


2016 Social service activities on Jan-27

DSQ core team went to Hongder Hospice for 2016 social service activities on Jan-27.

The founder is Ms. Chen Xiu-Chun. As a follower of Buddhism, Ms. Chen has a big heart for all who are in needs. She first founded Jiashen Hospice more than 30 years ago. Jiashen was for all kinds of people including elders, sickly people, disabled, as well as orphans. There had been more than 500 people who had ever been taken care of in Jiashen.


Ms. Chen saw Taiwanese society is getting older and older. Being worrying about the elders, she founded Hongder to specialize in taking care of elders.


DSQ understood Hongder and Ms. Chen’s vision, and DSQ too deeply moved by her sacrifice. DSQ can be sure Ms. Chen will use the founds at the most needed places. DSQ might be small, but our responsibility towards our society is the same to those bigger enterprises. May the year of 2016 a brighter year to all Taiwanese.